Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Welcome to Lutheran Church of the Master the Resurrection of our Lord! Jesus, mysteriously appearing to Mary as the gardener, asks her: “Why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” In the haze of grief, Mary can only see what is right before her—or in this case, what is not before her. It is only when Jesus calls her by name that the veil is lifted and she beholds the resurrected Christ. On this Easter morning, who—or what—are you looking for? Why have you come to the tomb? What kind of Jesus are you looking for? What veils need to be lifted so we can recognize God’s resurrection wherever it occurs?\

I hope you have had the opportunity to download the resources for this Season of God with us to prepare your at-home worship spaces or for worship in the building. For worship today, I invite you to please download and open the worship guide to fully participate as you, too, are a vital participant in today’s liturgy. Peace & Blessings Dear Church ~ Pastor Dave

Resurrection of our Lord Worship Guide, Prayer Requests & Virtual Pew Card, and Donations can all be made or found here:

For our liturgy today, please give your thanks to all of our worship contributors which includes you!