News & Events for Lutheran Church of the Master
Spring COVID Recommendations For LCM:
We continue to respond to the ever-evolving circumstances that direct how we are best able to worship together. As it stands currently, face masks are optional for all indoor activies at LCM. We are open for in-person worship on Sat. at 5:00 PM and on Sundays at 8:00AM & 10:00AM
Click to the right for further information!

Spring 2022 LCM COVID Precaution Update
Greetings Dear Church, Grace, Peace, and Mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen. As I mentioned this week, I have an abundance of thanks to give for the invaluable time of parental leave you’ve afforded my family and I. Emmett, August, Becky, and I are doing great,...
Moving Forward: New COVID Recommendations For LCM:
We continue to respond to the ever-evolving circumstances that direct how we are best able to worship together. With all that we currently know and with our mitigation & procedures in place, we are open for in-person worship on Sat. at 5:00 PM and on Sundays at 8:00AM & 10:00AM
Click to the right for further information; Specifically in regards to face masks!

May 23rd, 2021: Moving Forward: New COVID Recommendations For LCM
Greetings Dear Church, Grace, Peace, and Mercy are yours from the Triune God. Amen. While this is undoubtedly not a sermon, I desired to begin with the same blessing that precedes the good news’s proclamation because we have indeed received some good news in these...
Indoor Worship Update V.2:
We continue to respond to the ever-evolving circumstances that direct how we are best able to worship together. With all that we currently know and with our mitigation & procedures in place, we have opened for in-person worship on Sat. at 5:00 PM and on Sundays at 8:00AM & 10:00AM
Click the button to the right for our worship sign ups!
Indoor Worship Update:
We continue to respond to the ever-evolving circumstances that direct how we are best able to worship together. Because of the recent mitigation measures that went into effect Wednesday Nov. 11th, we will not be meeting in person for worship as planned beginning the weekend of Nov. 15th.
Click the button to the right to read further details as well as hear a message from our Bishop Yehiel Curry!
A Welcome Back to Indoor Worship:
We have an important update for you all! Council leadership and staff have been preparing for several weeks lay out the details here for how we will be returing to indoor worship at LCM. Our first worship back in the building is slated for the weekend of Saturday Nov. 14th and Sunday Nov. 15th.
Click the button to the right to read the full Announcment Letter complete with all the details!
Weekly Happenings for October 4th, 2o2o:
We have an important update for you all this week which especially affects the upcomming two weeks! As always, I continue with my sincere thanks to you all. Thank you for continuing to be the Church in these times!:
Click the button to the right to read the full Newsletter!
Weekly Happenings for 3/29/20:
Here is the newest information for our community this week! As always, I continue with my sincere thanks to you all. Thank you for continuing to be the Church in these times!:
Click the button to the right to read the full Newsletter!
Weekly Happenings for 3/22/20:
Some updated information for us as we all continue to learn this new way of being church:
Click the button to the right to read the full Newsletter!
Lenten Updates For LCM 3/17/20:
Some updated information for us all as we learn to navigate this new way of being church:
Click the button to the right to read the full announcement.
EDITED AND UPDATED as of 4:00pm 3/13/2020:
Click the button below to read the full announcement.