Welcome to Lutheran Church of the Master for the Fourth Sunday of Easter! The image of the good shepherd shows us how the risen Christ brings us to life. It is the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep, one of mutual knowledge and love, that gives the shepherd authority. The shepherd’s willingness to lay down his life for the sheep shows his love. First John illustrates what it means to lay down our lives for one another by the example of sharing our wealth with any sibling in need.
I hope you have had the opportunity to download the resources for this Season of Easter to prepare your at-home worship spaces or for worship in the building. For worship today, I invite you to please download and open the worship guide to fully participate as you, too, are a vital participant in today’s liturgy. Peace & Blessings Dear Church ~ Pastor Dave
Fourth Sunday of Easter Worship Guide, Prayer Requests & Virtual Pew Card, and Donations can all be made or found here: https://linktr.ee/LCotM
For our liturgy today, please give your thanks to all of our worship contributors which includes you!