Welcome to Lutheran Church of the Master for the great Vigil of Easter! This is the night of salvation! At the Vigil of Easter, we gather around fire, word, water, bread, and wine, proclaiming through story and song that ours is a God who continuously brings life out of death. On this night we experience again the heart of God’s baptismal promise and the center of our faith: we are claimed and cleansed, renewed in the death and resurrection of Christ. We gather with all the saints of every time and place to celebrate the good news: Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

I hope you have had the opportunity to download the resources for this Holy Week to prepare your at-home worship spaces or for worship in the building. For worship today, I invite you to please download and open the worship guide to fully participate as you, too, are a vital participant in today’s liturgy. Peace & Blessings Dear Church ~ Pastor Dave

Easter Vigil Worship Guide, Prayer Requests & Virtual Pew Card, and Donations can all be made or found here: https://linktr.ee/LCotM

For our liturgy today, please give your thanks to all of our worship contributors which includes you!