Donate Online

Online donations are now available via My Vanco

Click here: My Vanco

You can give instantly using the form below.  Thank you for your faithful support!

Thank you for supporting the work of Lutheran Church of the Master! Your gifts help us to spread the love of Christ in our community and around the world. Here are ways you can give:

In the Plate

We pass a collection plate during each service. Please give as you are able! If you are a member, offering envelopes are available to help you track your giving. Contact the church office to receive envelopes.

Give Online with Give Plus+

We offer electronic giving as a way to give anytime, and to automate your regular weekly offering. Give Plus+ is a convenient, safe, and simple way to provide much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Use the donation form to get started. If you currently give using the Simply Giving program, you may continue to do so.

Put a Check in the Mail

If you would prefer not to give online, you can always put your check in the mail. Mail it to the church office at:
Lutheran Church of the Master
580 N. Kuhn Rd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188