Donate Online
Online donations are now available via My Vanco
Click here: My Vanco
You can give instantly using the form below. Thank you for your faithful support!
In the Plate
We pass a collection plate during each service. Please give as you are able! If you are a member, offering envelopes are available to help you track your giving. Contact the church office to receive envelopes.
Give Online with Give Plus+
We offer electronic giving as a way to give anytime, and to automate your regular weekly offering. Give Plus+ is a convenient, safe, and simple way to provide much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Use the donation form to get started. If you currently give using the Simply Giving program, you may continue to do so.
Put a Check in the Mail
If you would prefer not to give online, you can always put your check in the mail. Mail it to the church office at:
Lutheran Church of the Master
580 N. Kuhn Rd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188