Greetings Dear Church!
We are entering again into times of transition as the fall season is well under way. I can undoubtably say that I have been extremely grateful for not only the ways in which we have been able to worship with one another, but the ways you have continually come together for one another in worship. And it goes beyond worship as well. Each of you has done remarkable things in keeping the ministries of LCM vibrant amidst near constant turmoil.
As I mention that turmoil however, COVID-19 has been the predominant marker that has seemingly controlled our lives as of late. And true, while it certainly does seem to never be out of our stream of consciousness, it was helpful to me to be reminded of why we are taking the actions that we are: We as a community and congregation value your health and safety as absolutely paramount, placing it before our own because we love you. And we will do all within our ability to protect the ones we love. This is the metric that we operate from. This is the guiding principle the directs our decisions and has been since we made the first phone calls back in March.
While there is much yet to learn, we have also learned a great deal in skill, practice and knowledge. It is with the combination of what we have learned, along with following the tight recommendations of the State, County and local health departments, that we, as your congregational council and leadership, are making the recommendation to begin holding weekly indoor worship services at LCM beginning Saturday Nov. 14th & Sunday Nov. 15th.
I’m sure that you may have several questions regarding this decision and recommendation. And we shall seek to answer as many of them as possible! So, please read on and I hope that you will find the answer to the question that has arisen for you!

Why Now:
- As always and in everything, your health and safety has been our benchmark. And while this has been our benchmark, the recommendations for what activities are safe and possible from the Federal, State, County and local departments of health have been our guides. As we’ve learned of what is new and possible to do on a near daily basis, we’ve weighed this information hand in hand as we’ve constantly evaluated what will best serve the needs of LCM and our community most effectively and safely.
- Technically speaking, indoor gatherings, of up to fifty people have been allowable for Illinois since the end of June. However, we did not have the ability to meet indoors for worship on a weekly basis due to factors such as; clear, effective, and sustainable sanitization methods. We also lacked the technical ability (both knowhow & hardware) to reliably and consistently livestream for those unable to meet in person; plans in place for both best practices in terms of virus mitigation and prevention as well as congregational operations.
- With the buildup and practice from that point until now of having outdoor worship services, we are confident that we are now fully prepared across the board.

What can I expect for indoor worship?
- It is our hope that your worship experience will be as consistent as possible no matter how you choose to worship with us. Your LCM staff and Council Leadership have been working on an active plan to return to worship indoors once weather dictated outdoors was no longer an option. The following measures and modifications that are specific to our context and building:
- To accommodate for the limit of twenty-five* people allowed for current indoor gatherings, three worship services will be held over the weekend to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Registration will be required for both numbers allocation across services and contact tracing purposes.
- Worship Services will be held Saturday at 5p, Sunday at 8am & Sunday at 10am.
- *(Phase 4 of Illinois’ reopen plan does allow for gatherings of up to 50. However, under our region’s current level of mitigation, we are limited to 25 for at least two weeks until the rate of virus positivity is below 6%.)
- Registration and sign up for services will take place via Sign-Up Genius. Here is what the sign up website will look like: (Sign ups to go live with Friday’s e-Happenings)
- To accommodate for the limit of twenty-five* people allowed for current indoor gatherings, three worship services will be held over the weekend to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Registration will be required for both numbers allocation across services and contact tracing purposes.

What can I expect for indoor worship?
- It is our hope that your worship experience will be as consistent as possible no matter how you choose to worship with us. Your LCM staff and Council Leadership have been working on an active plan to return to worship indoors once weather dictated outdoors was no longer an option. The following measures and modifications that are specific to our context and building:
- To accommodate for the limit of twenty-five* people allowed for current indoor gatherings, three worship services will be held over the weekend to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Registration will be required for both numbers allocation across services and contact tracing purposes.
- Worship Services will be held Saturday at 5p, Sunday at 8am & Sunday at 10am.
- *(Phase 4 of Illinois’ reopen plan does allow for gatherings of up to 50. However, under our region’s current level of mitigation, we are limited to 25 for at least two weeks until the rate of virus positivity is below 6%.)
- Registration and sign up for services will take place via Sign-Up Genius. Here is what the sign up website will look like: (Sign ups to go live with Friday’s e-Happenings)
- To accommodate for the limit of twenty-five* people allowed for current indoor gatherings, three worship services will be held over the weekend to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Registration will be required for both numbers allocation across services and contact tracing purposes.
- A special note here. From well before COVID hit, I have always known LCM to be a congregation that rises to the occasion to come together to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Coming to worship indoors once again will require this trait in an acute sense.
- We will all need to work together, as we have all along, being sure that every role is filled and everything accounted for in order for worship to occur. I know we will and I know we can as I hear you answer to the call of the gospel at every worship service, “Yes, we will.”
- Communion will continue as it has in the virtual and lawn services, where we will ask for you to bring your own elements for Holy Communion.
- We will also continue with the practice of having you either print your own worship guides at home or use an electronic device or tablet here in the sanctuary.
- Very limited quantity of Guides will be available including large print.
- The Sanctuary also now has a specific WiFi will also be made available for those who may need to download the worship guide upon arrival:
- WiFi Name: LCM-Stream
- Password: LCOTM580
- We will not be able to offer any time of fellowship after service of coffee or refreshments as to discourage lingering.
- Washrooms will be made available but are encouraged for emergency use. Washrooms will also be single occupancy.
- Nursery will be available for diaper changing as needed and will not be staffed by volunteers. The Nursery will also be encouraged to be single family occupancy.
- For now, Sunday School will continue to meet via Zoom twice a month.
What Guides Our Decision Making?
- As I mentioned above, we have been following closely all recommendations from both all levels of public health departments as well as our Metro Chicago Synod and the resources they’ve provided that have taken the public heath guidelines and made them specific to churches.
- In the event there is notification of anyone having tested positive to COVID, we will immediately provide notice to all who attended that same worship service or event as the person who tested positive.
- Along with the notification of individuals, LCM will also return to Virtual Worship Only for the two weeks following the positive test notification and we will also re-sanitize the building.
- The affected individual must have a negative test and have followed all medical protocols before rejoining in person.

So, when will our first indoor worship be again?
- We are planning to resume indoor worship on the weekend of Saturday November 14th & Sunday November 15th.
- That said, the overarching factors that will determine whether we will be able to hold indoor services will be:
- The health department recommendations and size limitations for our region of Illinois (region 8).
- As long we do not have positive COVID Diagnosis from someone present at an indoor worship service.
- As long as both of those two factors remain clear, the weekend of Saturday November 14th & Sunday November 15th is slated to be our opening date!
I greatly look forward to worshipping with you all! Please take time to take all fo this information in. I know it was a lot! And for any and all questions you have, please direct them my way. I will be happy to help you. I will see you soon Dear Church.
Peace & Blessings,
Pastor Dave, LCM Staff & Council